Friday, 8 February 2013

January in a nutshell

Return to university
So with the start of January comes the start of uni again and the start of the dreaded exams. Although home is lovely I have grown to love living a tad more independantly so it's great to be back and with my friends again. Needless to say exams were slightly stressful and horrible but here's hoping I scraped through (results in a few weeks eeek), fingers crossed!

Coming back to Southampton also means I find myself wondering into town and accidentally buying some clothes and make-up eventhough I really really shouldn't. Oh well. A few favourites of January have to be my new khaki jacket from the Zara sale (I had wanted one like this for ages), new jeans (again), and some new make-up gems such as the maybelline 'the falsies' mascara.

This month hasn't brought me many new musical discoveries to be honest. I have been enjoying Daughter, 'Youth' and 'Your Kisses' are songs I feel I will never grow tired of. Also 'Atlas Hands and 'Pictures' by Benjamin Francis Leftwich are just beautiful. And finally, I must admit, my guilty pleasure of this month has definitely been Taylor Swift with '22' and 'Trouble' - too good :)

Making Progress
I managed to secure an Internship this month for a small company over Easter which has really given me a huge boost in my University work and general confidence in what I am doing, which is never a bad thing!


I have barely been to see any films recently, i find the cinema is just so expensive these days that I need to really want to see a film before I fork out £8 to see it! One that I did pay the price for, or half (thank god for Orange Wednesdays), was Les Miserables. It was definitely worth the money and a great film! Hugh Jackman is my true love i'm sure of it. Although I do have to admit, even though it was great it doesn't come close to the real deal in the theatre; if you get the chance to see it live - do it.

A new obsession which has come about is my love of 'Girls'. No, I am not a lesbian, I mean the new American sit-com which I find myself constantly watching - it's a funny, easy watch which I would recomend. I also feel it's about time I get into 'Homeland' now as I have heard too many good things not to!
Scented candles are another new obsession. I feel slightly lost when one runs out and I have no back-up these days.

Anyway I think that's about it, I'm sorry if this post was waffly and boring but I wanted to kill some time!

-Alice x


  1. I have the Falsies mascara. I really like it! Here, in the US we have different packaging for it, though.
    I have been meaning to watch "Girls" for the longest time but i just haven't gotten around to it yet, and everybody says it's really good!
    Elle :)

    1. Ohh definitely watch Girls it's so funny! Thanks for taking the time to read comment :) x
